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This is a generic placeholder post that I link to when a site registration insists on a URL.
At some point I'll add links here to the best of my stuff and other good stuff, but for now this is all you get.
Explore! There's lots more stuff here. You shouldn't be able to read drafts, but please don't comment on them.
Anyone who cares to is welcome to correct grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and word choice in these posts, if s/he can do it with humor and will also post a rock-solid reference for any suggested corrections. I know a lot about our language and how to use it, but I do make mistakes. Please don't mention any typos. I type with far fewer fingers post stroke and am self-conscious about it.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thinking about my old Ren Faire Days
It's a long story.
1977 Renaissance Pleasure Faire Video
Posted by TheDarkGardener, this video shows the St. Audrey's Guild Opening procession.
Sadly, someone chose to dub a random bit of period music in place of the the Opening Song
1977 Renaissance Pleasure Faire Video
Posted by TheDarkGardener, this video shows the St. Audrey's Guild Opening procession.
Sadly, someone chose to dub a random bit of period music in place of the the Opening Song
OPENING Awake, awake the day doth break, Good craftsmen open your stall. Come greet the light, Shake off the night, The Faire is open to all! (If you are turning blue because you are unable to breathe while singing this, try singing alternate verses with your neighbor.)
Fill in here with complete analysis of the two videos. Basically very poorly filmed scraps of the day. I would think this is what happens when a random per takes a camera to the faire and shoots whatever is in front of him. He records rather than create.
Only material of interest here is the people I could identify.
OH, this explains that:
Uploaded by TheDarkGardener on Jul 21, 2011Here it is! Unearthed from the pits of the archives. Not only my first Renaissance Faire film but also my very first experience with the phenomenon of a Renaissance Faire itself. I was part of a four man crew of young film students who shot this documentary at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire in Agoura, California in 1977. It features the (yet to be famous) Flying Karamazov Brothers juggling troupe. Shot on 16mm film and edited on an upright Moviola (save your trims!). 30+ years later, I'm making Renaissance Faire films again. Huzzah!
St. Cuthbert Guild
This stuff needs editing, just ideas:
Saint Cuthbert Guild
The Guild of St. Cuthbert is a group of villagers who gather together to parade through the streets of Port Deptford as well as presenting pageants that celebrate the season. They are known for their midday feast where many of the Port Deptford notables are found dining in their Guild yard. Phoebe, the Merry Widow of Port Deptford always has food upon her table and a story to share with the locals.Founded in the Fall of 1974, by Don Studebaker a.k.a. Jon Declese as a performing group of the Renaissance Pleasure Faires in Northern and Southern California.Our job is to provide people for the Faires’ main parades and major in-house stage shows as well as performing pageants to entertain the visitors.The Northern group was originally St. Cuthbert’s Guild, and the Southern group was St. Audrey’s Guild. “Don Jon” was the original Guildmaster of the group and created the structure which we still use today. The second Guildmaster wasRosanne Reynolds, who succeeded “Don Jon” after a faire or two.Sue Honor took over at the Southern Faire of 1978 and has been Guildmaster ever since.We are still essentially doing the same job today as when we started. We have added an environmental area to give visitors to the Faires an idea of what life was like during the first Elizabeth’s reign. A lunchtime feast is our specialty, with handicrafts, dancing and singing keeping things entertaining throughout the day.* A special thanks to Gar Travis, Joe Foley and Tim M. Workman for their generous picture donations. Please visit their websites by clicking on their names.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Not very much info yet.
St. Cuthbert's Guild Handbook
ST CUTHBERT'S GUILD HANDBOOK VER. 1.0 _______________________________________________________________ PREFACE It is the wish of the current editors to stress that our guild's primary reason for being is to provide entertainment, and, where necessary, assistance to visitors to the Faire. If there were no customers, there would be no Faire. The Faire is a large stage, and whether we are just wandering about, participating in a parade, performing during a show, or relaxing in the areas of the Guild yard visible to customers, we are portraying citizens of Elizabeth's England at a spring or harvest fair. The portion of the Handbook covering guild related matters covers this in more detail. The reason for the character development section is intended to provide a supplement to the workshops, and, as it evolves, future versions should also provide specific examples to serve as models. The workshops we attend provide us with instruction in acting techniques, improvisation, country dance, meet and greet, BFA, songs of the time, and other topics which are intended to provide us with the tools needed to be performers at Faire. Hopefully, the character development section will provide something you can use to provide a framework tailored to you as an individual in which you can exercise the tools the workshops teach you. Finally, the Handbook should not be viewed as something which is complete. We encourage all of you to contribute, comment, or just make suggestions by contacting either Roger Russell or Carl Heinz. Dame Phoebe, of course, reserves the right to review anything we wish to add.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
No, I don't think I want your rewards card!
AmadorBooks explains why.
This No-Cards Shoppers site is produced by Studio Z and generously hosted by Amador Publishers, a labor of love dedicated to peace, equality and preservation of the Biosphere. Please visit before you go. | |
RHU Dumb-Ass Custy
October 06, 2011
This past weekend at BND, my movie theater, was excruciating! I'm fairly confident nearly every person that walked in was either on a pill that made them rude or stupid, sometimes both.
For example, I accidentally spilled some popcorn from this lady's bag and gave her some fresh stuff that was literally still popping out of the machine.
When I handed it back to her, she told me it was cold.
I dumped out the whole bag and gave her more popcorn that was still popping out of our machine.
Once again, she told me it was cold. "Ma'am," I said, "I LITERALLY just got that out of the popper. I can't make it any hotter."
Another lady asked for an extra bag. We don't have extra bags to give out anymore, I told her, but I could give her a tray.
"What about those bags with the popcorn in them?" she asked.
"We inventory those, so I can't give them out."
She said, incredulous, "So you have bags, but you just can't give them to me."
BITCH, WTF DID I JUST SAY TO YOU?! I have a goddamn degree in English- don't talk semantics with me.
And wonder of wonders, I get an email from my GM TODAY, the day before I go out of town, telling me that I need to meet up with him about our BND reward card sales. Another girl he also talked to about this subject said that he told her that she needs to step up her reward card sales over the next month or she'll be receiving disciplinary action that could include termination. She's been with the company for nearly three years and both of her sisters work for BND. I've been with the company for five years coming up this month. This program is not even six months old. I can't WAIT to hear what my GM has to say to me, one of his better/more reliable employees, about my reward card sales. Joy of joys. I wonder if he'll be pissed that I'm out of town for the next five days? I'll let everyone know what happens when I meet with him.
I hate this place.
-Theater Writer
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Scary RHU Post
December 23, 2011
SEATTLE — The release of Nike's new Air Jordan basketball shoes caused a frenzy at stores across the nation early Friday, with police using pepper spray on a group of rowdy customers near Seattle and officers arresting some shoppers after a crowd broke down a door in suburban Atlanta.A group of about 20 people were sprayed after getting into fights at the Westfield Southcenter mall in suburban Seattle, Tukwila Officer Mike Murphy said.The crowd started gathering around midnight at four stores in the mall and had grown to more than 1,000 by 4 a.m., when the stores opened, Murphy said."Around 3 (a.m.) there started to be some fighting and pushing among the customers," he said. "Around 4, it started to get pretty unruly and officers sprayed pepper spray on a few people who were fighting, and that seemed to do the trick to break them up."No injuries were reported, although some people suffered cuts or scrapes from fights, Murphy said. The crowd broke off a door.One man was arrested for assault after authorities say he pushed an officer."He did not get his shoes; he went to jail," Murphy said.About 25 officers from Tukwila, Renton, Kent, Seattle and King County responded. They smelled marijuana and found alcohol containers at the scene, he said.Murphy said the crowd was on the verge of a riot and would have gotten even more out of hand if the police hadn't intervened.
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Interesting move--considering the Seattle police department is supposed to be under strict surveillance/investigation because of common use of excessive force.
Posted by: Hellbound Alleee | December 23, 2011 at 10:09 AM
My friend went to the Portland release of these shoes. I still think he's fucking nuts.
Posted by: Fred's Photo Slut | December 23, 2011 at 10:29 AM
All this...for shoes...what the hell people what the freaking hell...
Posted by: IxenHeart | December 23, 2011 at 12:24 PM
Who cares? Let them all kill each other. Who needs "people" like that in society?
Posted by: Dee | December 23, 2011 at 03:11 PM
The Mayans were right! It's the Nike 2012 edition that is going to destroy the world!
Posted by: Queer Geek | December 23, 2011 at 03:24 PM
*stares at shoes* I am not getting it. What is so wonderful about those shoes?
Posted by: Framer-Fatal | December 23, 2011 at 03:40 PM
Three letters: WTF......I'm sorry, we need to have a demographic study of that crowd for future reference so this does not happen again.
Posted by: maximusdumicus | December 23, 2011 at 04:58 PM
No really, be honest, they're crack aren't they. They have to be...
Posted by: TechDeath | December 23, 2011 at 09:51 PM
I saw the Indianapolis feed and my jaw dropped. I recognized the shopping mall right away. I used to go to Lafayette Square Mall often as it is on the west side of town. Well, for that matter, I used to go to Washington Square Mall when I visited the out-laws. You have to think that one "lady" was really special when she said " ...I jumped over them and kept runnin'!" when referring to the people that had been knocked over (including a young child) in the stampede. Wonder how she would have felt if it had been HER child?
Posted by: Humor_Me | December 24, 2011 at 07:12 AM
Posted by: Humor_Me | December 24, 2011 at 07:13 AM
@Common Nonsense, completely agree...ew. I mean...if we're gonna riot over shoes, of all things, let's at least riot over cute ones on half-off-sales, amIright?
Posted by: ScanGunMonkey | December 24, 2011 at 03:00 PM
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