And, while I'm at it, fuck this one, too.
I don't suppose they noticed the behaviors identified as drug-seeking are also behaviors commonly seen in those who are taking long-term narcotics for legitimate pain but whose pain is no longer adequately controlled by their maintenance therapy. You can call it breakthrough pain and view it as normal and cope with it, or you can call it drug-seeking so you can increase admissions to Hazelden!
And wait until you read this part:
If you find yourself seeking medication from a doctor even when another doctor has advised you not to take it or has refused to provide the drug, it's a sign you may have a problem with addiction.
Other behaviors prescription drug addicts exhibit include asking for prescription meds from friends and relatives, falsifying prescriptions, stealing money or goods to pay for meds, trading services for drugs, and Foraging for medications.
Foraging? I'll totally have to try that. I've probably mentioned that I was in a shelter once where this would have been feasible, or is my deja vu just kicking in again?
Hi Tripichik..I randomly came across yr post (as is the Internet way) and it rang true; but I was intrigued as to the background behind it..what's yr illness, who are you?..
ReplyDeleteI have a blog (& more planned) but its sport specific until I get others going (@ProfessorMarak on twitter).. Anyway, I take high dose long term analgesia, for chronic pain related to my Sickle Cell, as well as the acute pain. I have good relationships w/my doctors & consultants generally but the points you make are absolutely valid & have arisen for me & my friends often enough!
It would be cool to get in touch to discuss these kind of issues.
Also, I do want to write other non-football related blogs, (there's only one post on the football one even!) so maybe we could talk about how you manage to blog so profusely..