December 11, 2011
Hey y’all, Nibbler here.
Hope you’re all surviving the pre-Christmas rushes! I found this picture on my tumblr feed and as a long serving retail slave (10 years and counting!) I thought I’d share my subsequent rant with you.
I’m going to step in here and defend people who work in retail.
You may not realize this, but the person selling you your yummy treats is forced to talk with you. There’s a good chance that they couldn’t care less if you were hungry. They get marked on how much and the way they speak to you. They face a disciplinary and a write up if they don’t say exactly the right thing. If the store has a rewards/credit card, they get marked on how many people they sign up. If they don’t sign up enough people, they face losing their source of income. They have to put up with rude asshole customers who scream and shout at them for the stupidest shit imaginable. The coupon is two months out of date? It’s your fucking fault, minimum wage-earning drone.
So, why do they put up with it? Look at the job market at the moment. What else is available? I’m sure that the person scanning your vegetables doesn’t want to be there for the rest of their lives, but unfortunately, not everyone will find a job in their chosen field. Not everyone will make it as an actor, photographer, writer, artist.
But everyone needs to eat, sleep, and provide for their families. So we take these crappy jobs and we work. These jobs are hard. You’ll be on your feet for long, unsociable hours, you’ll be lifting heavy items, you’ll be wearing an unflattering uniform, you’ll go to bed at night dreaming about item code 084035 not scanning. But you’ll do it, because the need to survive outweighs any pride you might have about a retail job not being good enough for you.
All I’m saying, would it hurt to have a tiny bit of compassion for the person serving you your Big Mac? They do not deserve abuse, they do not deserve to be talked down to, they do not deserve being threatened with being fired for petty things. They are people too.
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"Three? That's a lot. Why not just share?"
Now I could be nice and assume she means with her. I take that route.
"Oh man, they are so good, do you want one too?"
She shakes her head with disgust and mutters something about not putting sugar in her body.
It's beautiful.
First time (as far as I remember) custy for me..... cursed me out for not getting her way (after I called my manager to come to back me up). Second interaction went better. No colorful language, but same manager backed me up again that I knew what I was talking about and although I could compromise some, not enough for the custy.
If a customer is having a bad day, a lot of times I am able to cheer them up a little bit or at least get them smiling. I feel like a psychologist sometimes.
I wouldn't tell them off for it, but it does annoy me.
As JBee said, all you have to do to make me happy is scan my purchases. Some chit-chat is fine even, but I don't want 'good natured' teasing about my purchases or to have to explain what I'm going to do with them, because that always makes me want to answer "I'm going to mind my own business with them. You should try it some time!"
Also so many people commenting here seem to have completely MISSED THE POINT. The POINT of this was to not get bitchy when the cashier tries to have some HUMAN INTERACTION with you, and to have some COMPASSION with the retail slave. I HATE it when people go and point out something opposite from what the poster is trying to say. YES there are rude retail slaves, BUT what you come across as saying is that BECAUSE of those rude ones, NO ONE ELSE deserves your respect and compassion. No, seriously. That's what it comes across like sounding.
I'm sure you don't mean to destroy the world. I'm eating an apple, but all I can think about is Violet Beauregard.
I'm seconding everyone's comments and posting to my blog.
This is so freaking weird, and OCD {CDO?}.
I've heard some German people are unduly fascinated by poo, to the extent, I've read, of designing toilets with little shelves for the poo to land on for further inspection.
And what's with the shiny plastic shovels with which to collect the output.
Reminds me of The Happy Hooker's story of being made to eat crap off the Delft {?} china plate of her birth place.
Don't make me tell you the story of the Sly Park loo videographer.