If you happen to track this fauxtog down, grab her camera, throw it on the ground and make sure it’s smashed in a million pieces. While you’re at it, take away her Picnik subscription.
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A good photographer at least knows when a photo is BAD. This person can’t even distinguish between a blurry and a non-blurryphotograph. What a shame. I hope that couple didn’t pay this person too much.
i am sure they didn’t pay at all, that is the problem anymore, my friend said she’d do it as a gift and give me the cd so i can make my own prints, and so on and so forth so VERY sad…..i find it hard to believe this was on a photographers (okay fauxtographers) page at ALL…wow (my fave is the brides glowing eyes, how did they get that awesome effect….gag)
So true! I had some friends that graduated from art schooltake pictures for my wedding. Luckily, i had two of them. One girl took wonderful photos, but the other took only black and white photos on old scarred film that were so underexposed you couldn’t see anything. Fortunately, a co-worker of mine is starting a legitimate photography business and offered to take pics of my husband and I two weeks after the wedding.
I don’t always agree with everything posted on here, sometimespictures are not BAD, just bad taste but technically correct.
This should be your main image to this website. Paid “professionals” that have absolutely no idea what they are doing. I’ve met people like this too, the REAL fauxtographer. They truly think they are good, and in their head will rate and compare this photo side by side and think it’s better then most pro’s.
“uhm.. sure… here you are :/”
“you’re welcome