Sunday, November 6, 2011

Keeping Children Happy in Restaurants


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Your mom deserves a medal. Gotta love people who think they're better than everyone else, eh? Hoity-Toity probably didn't even have kids of her own and no inkling of what it's like to raise them, but of course was a genius on child behavior and public etiquette.


It usually seems to be a childless person who is the expert for other peoples children. I know some kids can be downright horrible but if a child is not climbing on the tables, screaming, and throwing food what is the issue? Some parents can't be bothered to parent but this was not the case here.

You're mother handled it well, I can't stand when people are passive aggressive like that.
And if an adult is going to behave horribly they should not be in public either. [/cheap two cents]


Sounds like you and your brother were acting like, *GASP*, children! Good on your mom for telling that bitch were to go.

Laughing Barista

If you were carrying on and throwing tantrums, I would actually give kudos to that lady for speaking up. The boyfriend and I hate sitting near kids because nine times out of ten, they're loud and disturbing. However, if kids are well-behaved I make it a point to say something to the parents like "Wow, your kids are really well behaved. You should be proud of them!"

You guys, however, were not misbehaving. You were uncomfortable and your mom even explained this. As far as I'm concerned, you were acting more like teenagers than kids and that's definitely tolerable.
Kudos to your mom for sticking up for your family.
Your mom was amazing.  How lucky you are to have her!
Many children behave terribly in restaurants.  I've been with some.  {remembers the day JOD threw all the food she didn't like in a Japanese restaurant over her shoulder, where it pelted the couple in the booth behind her ~~ tempura green beans are what I recall}.
My AGD {awesome geek daughter} loved eating in restaurants as a baby.  She thrived on people-watching.
She also loved to dip cheddar cheese strips into Earth's Best pureed green beans, so she was happy.
Without getting More-Waldorf-than-Thou, there are simple ways to keep little ones amused while waiting for a restaurant meal:  we always has a diaper bag loaded with AGD's cloth dipes, and container of cheese strips, as well as quiet toys and dolls.
Between being amused by Stargazer {her dad} and me, her things, and people watching, she would wait patiently for our food.

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