Hello RHU! Arch Guy here with a list of ways to not be an idiot when at the Golden Arches.
Back when Myspace was the norm and Facebook didn't matter, I made blog posts titled "Don't be an Idiot: Fast Food Edition". I got the idea to write this when one of my brothers created his own blog "Don't Be an Idiot". Here are the first 10 in my list. If there is enough positive feedback, I'll try and post some more of them.
Don’t Be an Idiot: Fast Food Edition
1. When ordering, make sure you know what you want to drink. Otherwise you'll get coke and like it.
2. Continuing with drinks, if you want a sweet tea, TELL ME you want a sweet tea instead of just tea. If you're not specific, you'll get unsweet, and only have yourself to blame.
3. Be specific on what size drink you want. If you're not, you'll get a small, and deal with it.
4. In general, be specific when ordering. If you just say bacon, egg, and cheese or sausage, egg, and cheese, WE HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU WANT! We still won't know if you add the word sandwich at the end. We have 4 different types of bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches, and 4 sausage, egg, and cheese sandwiches.
5. ANNUNCIATE YOUR WORDS! I have a hard enough time hearing things in general, but if you slur your words together, it's even harder for me to understand you. Prime example, the words "steak" and "bacon" sound alike in the drive-thru headsets. If I put your order in wrong, don't get mad at me for you not speaking correctly.
6. Don't play the "The customer is always right" card. No you're not, now shut up.
7. Don't come into the drive-thru drunk. If you want to know about this, just ask.
8. Don't complain when we charge you for extra nugget sauces or salad dressings you want. If you want it, you're paying for it. We need to make money too.
9. Don't play the "Well Creepy Ruler/East Coast Star/West Coast Star depending on where you're at/Red Hair's don’t make me pay for extra condiments" card. We're not any of them. Deal with it.
10. Stop blasting your radio in drive-thru. With the new system we have set up, EVERYONE in the store can hear your radio. So if you don't want anyone to know what you listen to, turn it down.
--Arch Guy