Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Prudie to the rescue, once again!



Time To Stop Suckling

Dear Prudence on a woman who breast-feeds her 5-year-old in public—and other questions in a live chat at Washingtonpost.com.

Emily Yoffe.
Emily Yoffe, aka Dear Prudence, is on Washingtonpost.com weekly to chat live with readers. An edited transcript of this week's chat is below. (Sign up here to get Dear Prudence delivered to your inbox each week. Read Prudie's Slate columns here. Send questions to Prudence atprudence@slate.com.)
Emily Yoffe: I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and you're all still talking to your relatives. I had so much sauerkraut — it was a great day.
Breastfeeding a Big KidFour months ago my brother got married to a woman who has a 5-year-old son from a previous relationship. Since they had a private ceremony, we did not meet his new wife and stepson until Dad's 80th birthday, when they flew over to see us. Things were going well until my new nephew walked over to where the adults were eating dessert and told my SIL that he was thirsty. She whipped out her breast at the dining table and proceeded to breastfeed her son. Although nobody said anything, she sensed we were shocked and casually explained her son had allergies and this was the only healthy milk option for him. Since our mom is not around, my other brothers and Dad are urging me to intervene. My brother, the one who married her, does not seem to care much. Should I say anything to her? How do I start such a conversation?
A: I'm trying to imagine the shiver that might go through your entire family if your brother ever hosts a brunch at his home and his new wife passes around the cream for the coffee. At the risk of bringing down the wrath of La Leche League, 5 years old is way too old to still be on mommy's breast. By the time the kid can say, "Mom, you've been eating too much garlic and it's upsetting my stomach," you know it's time to throw away the nursing bra. Showing too much cleavage to your new husband's family would be ill-advised the first time you all met. Lactating at the dessert table takes inappropriate to a new level. You say your brother "does not seem to care much" about this, which doesn't make clear what kind of conversation you've had with him. You need to say, "Bro, we're so happy you've found Fiona. We're sorry her son has food allergies, but we need to let you know we all have a dairy allergy. That is, we'd appreciate if you'd ask her to breast feed in private." If he won't take action, then at the next gathering, as she starts to unbutton, all of you should feel free to stampede away from the table. Let's hope for her son's sake she finds him a milk substitute. It would be bad for him socially if she had to come and give him nourishment to get him through his SATs.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

MY 30 DAYS GUESS, 11/26

Feels Like a Stranger


Joi Cardinal

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Cake Lied!

Cake Versus Pie: A Scientific Approach

I love cake.  Cake is wonderful.  But it is too easy to get caught up in the idea of cake.  When you compare the data, it is clear that pie is a better choice.  

1.  Ability of enjoyment to be sustained over time

The first few mouthfuls of cake are almost magical, but as eating continues, enjoyment drops off precipitously.  The enjoyment curve for pie appears to be much more stable over time.  

2.  Unequal frosting distribution is a problem

Pie exhibits much greater homogeneity than cake.  In cake, the highest concentration of awesomeness is found in the frosting.  The act of decorating a cake can polarize it and cause a dangerously uneven distribution of frosting, leading to discord and animosity during serving time.   

3.  Pie appears to contain a greater relative volume of enjoyable substances.  

4.  Pie is more scientifically versatile:

5.  Pie is relevant in a greater variety of situations:

Cake is appropriate in a very limited number of situations, whereas almost any day is a great day to have pie.  

6. Cake has much more severe, longer lasting consequences than pie:

UPDATE:  It's too early to tell whether this hybridization is the best idea ever or just dangerous and foolish:

Most likely it will either solve all the problems in the world or end humanity in a hyperglycemic blaze of glory.Link to Jezebel ~~ 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Black Friday scares me!

Shop for early Black Friday deals

I've seen too many viral videos of people being trampled.

I worry about the mindset of my fellow Americans.

I can't digest my turkey!


What's shiny and new here at Scarleteen? Is what you want out ofsex with a partner for real, or are your expectations out of whack? Give your ideals a reality check to help you make your best sexual choices. Feel like things are moving too fast with sex? Not sure what your own right pace even is? Pull back the reins: How to Slow Down When You're Moving Too Fast. Thinking about shacking up? Here's the scoop when it's You, Them and a U-Haul. Not sure if you should stick with a relationship or not, or how to resolve conflicts? Time for a split, but don't know how to deal? We've got your back.
Got the body blues? Summertime can rev up body insecurities, and incline some people to do things more likely to hurt our health, our looks and the way we feel about ourselves instead of helping. What really supports looking and feeling great? Check out The Scarleteen Do-It, our sound oasis in a sea of diet madness.

The XX factor

sex education
For years now, the debate over sex education in the mainstream has been along the lines of, "Do we tell kids sex is an awful thing and they shouldn't do it at all, or do we tell kids sex is an awful thing, but if they must, here's how to be safe?" Those of us who argue for a third way---that comprehensive sex education should value sexual pleasure and even that young people should learn nitty-gritty information about how to have not just healthy but pleasurable sex---have been left hoping kids find Scarleteen, but otherwise afraid to speak out too loudly for fear of having the entire pro-choice and public health movement branded as Satanic by a right wing that already thinks we're perverts.