Sunday, November 6, 2011

Break Rooms I have known

Matt's post about Target feeding the workers got me many of you have break rooms and a place to store your own lunch? The place I work now, no break room and we're not "allowed" to bring in our own food. If, by some miracle, we get a break, we have to go out and buy something or buy it there. And if we stay there, we have to eat in the dining room, which can be a PITA since customers that know us will sometimes come up and bother us. (Hello! I have 20 minutes to wolf down this food, thankyouverymuch!) At the Big Orange Store, there was a break room with snack machines, soda machines, and a nice big fridge to use, as well as a couple of microwaves. I'm just curious how everyone is set up. Or if you even get a break!
 ·  ·  · 5 hours ago
    • Donna Dupree Miller My store only allows one person on break at a time so our break room is a table and chairs, fridge, and microwave.
      4 hours ago · 
    • Calindy Mann 
      We have a breakroom with small lockers, a fridge (that's always gross) and a microwave (also always gross) and a vending machine/soda machine... I pretty much never use the fridge cause I don't trust people not to take/tamper with anything I may put in there. I do have a locker though and keep a small snack in my bag cause I dont like the junk-food options in the vending machines and I dont drink soda except for rare occasion.
      4 hours ago · 
    • Dianne Pfister I guess I'm lucky, I've worked at companies that really gave the employees good areas, one bloated law firm I used to work for had free flowing soda and a short order cook, the works.
      4 hours ago · 
    • Lizzy Leigh Vasquez The one office I worked in had a really nice break room that had snack and soda machines. A full coffee pot, as well as one of those k-cup machines. There was also a lot of catered meetings, and the left overs were a free for all. It was easy to eat there for free regularly.
      2 hours ago · 
    • Kris Hepner Break room, two large fridges, and we can bring in our own food, plus we have a HubSay on premises, plus the Hellmart is a SuperCenter, so it has a deli.
      2 hours ago via Mobile · 
    • Kris Hepner Also, 4 microwaves.
      2 hours ago via Mobile · 
    • Kerry Patricia 
      Wow, Lizzy, that sounds like BS to me. How can a company not allow a break room for employees, and you can't bring in your own food, and MUST spend money to eat? WTF is that?

      At Kohl's, we had a decent sized break room, connected to the l...See more
      2 hours ago · 
    • Lizzy Leigh Vasquez Kerry, most food places I've worked for, or very small places, don't have break rooms for their employees. I'm sure there's some regulation about it, but I don't know what it is. As for the food thing, since there's no separate fridge, we'd have to keep our food in the cooler, where all the prep food is. IIRC, it's a health code violation to have personal food products in there. Doesn't mean it's not BS of course...
      2 hours ago · 
    • Calindy Mann I suppose you could have non-chilled items or have a insulated lunchbox
      about an hour ago · 
    • Lizzy Leigh Vasquez But even then, where do you put it? We have a coat rack on the wall to hang our stuff, and that's it. I guess you could keep it in your car, if you have one. But the point's moot if you don't even get a break. :p
      42 minutes ago · 
    • Joi Cardinal Dianne ~~ I once worked for a law firm that not only had a full-sized break room with full-size frig, microwave, sink, coffee maker, table and chairs and couch, but kept the frig stocked with name-brand soda {everyone got a choice; part of the sign-on paperwork asked for preferences}.
      Plenty of room for bag lunch (or microwave meal or leftovers}.
      All kept immaculate by building cleaning crew {I knew them; we worked the same night-owl hours!}
      That was the best. Oh, the stories I will tell my blog of the other break rooms I have known!
      Ever have sex in a break room? I did, as an MT. We bent the key rushing to get in. No one could use the room until the locksmith came.

      Joi Cardinal I've read it's awesome to work for Goggle.
      Fortune Magazine recently named Google the #1 company to work for, a ranking bas...

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