Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why are there bits of TP on the ladies' {sic} room floor?

here's what I don't get. WHY do public ladies' rooms always have bits of toilet paper lying on the floor? why do people do this?
 ·  ·  · Yesterday at 10:02
    • Pauline Staples Cheapass companies buying cheapass toilet paper that rips off in little pieces when you try to unroll it and slobby custies who drop the pieces on the floor rather than toss them in the bin or in the toilet.
      23 hours ago · 
    • Dianne Pfister They are slobs?? I usually leave a bathroom how I found it...
      22 hours ago · 
    • Lizzy Leigh Vasquez Do you really have to add to the mess?
      22 hours ago · 
    • Amanda Underhill I've always been ashamed of my gender when walking into a ladies room after a busy day. It's the one time I have to say men are less disgusting. That is *so* sad.
      21 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Dianne Pfister Having heard from spouse about the guy's bathrooms, I'd say it's actually pretty equal...
      21 hours ago · 
    • Lizzy Leigh Vasquez I've had to clean both sets of bathrooms, and I'd say they're equal, but make different types of messes. They're both gross.
      21 hours ago · 
    • Maaike Vlaeminck I want a sign on our bathroom doors that says : It puts the tissue in the toilet or else...
      8 hours ago via Mobile ·  ·  1
    • Jessyka Simmons A friend of mine manages a McDonalds... She had to unclog the toilet the other night because it was clogged with... a douche. That by itself is disgusting but it raises a disturbing question: Who the fuck wakes up and thinks, "I'm gonna go buy a douche... and use it in a food establishment."
      8 hours ago · 
    • Lizzy Leigh Vasquez Maybe they had it with them and felt the overwhelming desire to use it while waiting for their Big Mac? Doesn't explain why the tard didn't throw it away, instead of down the toilet.
      8 hours ago · 
    • Jessyka Simmons if at any point in your life you feel the desire to douche that is overwhelming, your next stop shouldn't be McDonalds. It should be the OBGYN.
      8 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Lizzy Leigh Vasquez Well douches are bad for you anyway, and I've never had a doctor tell me they were good for the body. They'll mess up your natural Ph. And if you have an infection, you should be getting antibiotics, not shoving vinegar water up there.
      7 hours ago ·  ·  3
    • Cricket Garancosky I will say men's bathrooms are more "dirty" but women's bathrooms are more "gross" track a lot more dirt into them, but women....are typically the dirtiest in the bathroom.
      6 hours ago ·  ·  2
    • Lizzy Leigh Vasquez I agree with Cricket.
      4 hours ago · 
    • Joi Cardinal Cheap TP that rips off little bits when being used. The person doesn't notice the torn-off bits. S/he stands up to leave, and the bits fall off onto the floor. To be tracked over everywhere on other people's shoes. Or they end up in one's underwear.
      As you can see from my profile pic, I'm disabled following a stroke, so I wear "personal confidence undergarments." I usually don't have the little bits of paper on the floor problem. I think little bits in my lady bits is more off-putting.

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