Monday, December 19, 2011

Hidden Pool WIN

Hidden Pool Win

Hidden Pool WIN

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» 16 Comments -- the crowd goes wild!

  1. Kale
    o.O Must have!
  2. elark0
    I so want one of these. Then I want to find a way to fill it with sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads!
  3. Exark
    Thunderbirds music was needed instead of Bond!
  4. goobird
    Hey! what’s with that trick pool(table)?
  5. GoodbyeMr.Bond
    Now we need sharks with laser beams on their heads
  6. skalalij
  7. marissa
    Was that supposed to be Aphrodite rising from the sea?
  8. noob
    there next depth setting leads you into the water temple :P
  9. klez
    We are the 1%.
  10. Will
    Genius for many reasons. Keep sh*t out when you don’t want it in (leaves, animals, etc) and it keeps people who want to rob you from falling in, breaking an and having them or their family suing you.
  11. El
    Keeps kids from drowning in it when not in use… wonder if you’re still required by law to keep a fence around it. In that particular installation, however, I can’t imagine all that chlorinated water is good for the lawn.
  12. Ben
    Thunderbirds are GO!
  13. grumpy_otter
    Since they don’t give the prices on their website, I imagine only the 1% can afford these.

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