Thursday, December 29, 2011

RHU Dumb-Ass Custy

October 06, 2011


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What part of: This is stock, we loose money if it disappears without popcorn inside it. Don't people understand?
That's like someone going to the shoe department and asking me for just a shoe box.
Michael Chandra
"We don't have extra bags to give out". -_- Clearly stated that there are no bags you can give. So yes, bags that you have but can't give is an option. IT WAS STATED, LADY. FFS, I only learned your language from tv and high school and I can handle that subtlety. Don't understand why they can't.
NC Tony
Regarding the "cold popcorn" woman, reading that I can just picture you wanting to grab her head and shove it in the machine while screaming "Is this hot enough for you?"
Theater Writer
Tony: That is a fairly accurate description of what I wanted to do.
After her, I told my boss I wanted to kill every single customer that walked through that door.
Grendus the Self Check Guy
My usual answer when someone challenges policy is "I'm sorry, I've been specifically instructed by my manager to/not to *insert action here*". Usually works.
OOOOooOO Grandus! Nice suggestion.
it seems like reward cards are just a burden everywhere. you cannot handcuff your customers or pistol whip them into signing up for the things, and its unfair that hours (and in this case, even the security of your job) is based on it.
having gone through this situation at dick's, i feel horrible when i tell cashiers 'no,' i do not want a reward card :( but im in the same situation as a lot of other normal people... you either a) dont go there very often b) trying to save money as it is, not be tempted to spend more to get a measly reward every so often, c) you're carrying around enough shit as it is.
i wish managers would understand this. im sorry you are going through this too!!
Laughing Barista
I'm an English grad student too! What's your paper on?
Excuse me, I think Theater Writer's theater needs more Samuel L Jackson. I HATE people like that.
I know what you mean, I know T*rget has policies about their credit card, or at least they used to, and that you could lose your job if you don't get enough credit sign ups, but man I do not want a credit card. I still feel bad saying no, though.
Theater Writer
@ Laughing Barista:
I was basically talking about how the Female Gothic genre has changed over the years using the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris and the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. Obviously, I looked at the female protagonists and compared and contrast them to one another and figured that the Female Gothic no longer attempts to explain the supernatural so much as make it "the norm" and accept it. However, though the female characters seem like they're very independent in many ways, in reality they're the same as the old school Gothic women: they always need a man to rescue them.

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