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The Breaking Point

December 08, 2011


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I'm with you on this...I did the same thing so many times when I, too, used to work at Hell-Mart's fat cousin. You bitch at me, you bitch at my get zero help from me that I don't absolutely HAVE to give you.
Blue vests unite! :D
Ha! Ha!
Theft is justified when people hurt our feelings!
Said it before and I'll say it again: grow the heck up.
Seriously? It's okay to basically take a guy's card? Am I missing something here?
Dude was an asshole, yes. But there's really no excuse why Prodigy lied and said he never saw the card.
I'd add in, upon consideration, that it takes zero money and about thirty seconds of the custy's time to get a new card. The old one's then cancelled...and can't be used by whomever picks it up. It's nothing to get butthurt over, as all it really accomplishes is getting the slaves a little more even with the people who legitimately waste half our shifts every single goddamn day. Chillax, kids. Not like he murdered the guy.
Kimberly G
So... You basically assisted your coworker in the theft of property belonging to a payong customer, all while you were on the job? Even if the man was mean, nasty, abusive, or even racist it doesn't give you the right to behave like a shithead too! It's people like you that give tbe rest of us hard working employees a bad name!

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