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RHU: Glam Tampons

RHU: Glam Tampons

November 22, 2011


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Laughing Barista

I never understood how having a pad or tampon in your person could be embarrassing. Seriously. You're a woman and you get your period so it's expected. Oh shit, you have a tampon in your bag and it fell out?! Could have easily have been a book or your wallet. Get over it.


I think this is geared more toward young teens who would be a bit more awkward and easily embarassed by it. I remember hitting puberty, and shopping for these type of products was mortifying.

Drug Store Diva

A pad in your purse could be embarrassing if you're playing a game of "Pass it up" (also known as "what's in your purse" if played at baby showers and such) at church, and while looking for a breath mint a pad goes flying out of your purse onto the front pew...right in front of your pastor and associate pastor (yeah, forgot I had one in there).
However....embarrassments aside, nobody is getting that close to that part of the body during that time to even care what color my pad is...they all end up the same color anyway.

crankie cashier

If they call something punk it had better have spikes on it... just saying.


The whole U by Kotex line is overpriced and colorful to attract teens in my opinion. I think young ladies would enjoy the look, I personally would not. I have to admit they know they're target market well.



Green Grin

Once you have glitter you can never get rid of it. It is the herpes of the craft world. Why would I want craft herpes anywhere near my lady parts?

The Night Auditor

I agree with Laughing Barista & Green Grin.
I simply can't imagine a world where I'd want sparkly bits of ANYTHING near my ladyparts. O_o'
Have you ever used that sparkly glue? It is pure evil. Gets on EVERYTHING. Months later you have sparkles coming out of your hair. People look at you like you're nuts. Now just imagine that...down there. -shudders-
Also, there isn't anything to be embarrassed about. My sister and I had to ask our father to go get our first 'feminine products'. Haha, I laugh now at how weird it was to say "Dad, I need...pads." "...Pads? What kind of...oooooohhhh." heeheehee.


Embarrassment is probably the closest word to describe it. I don't want to show people my hygiene products and I don't want to see anyone's tampons. Yes, it's natural, but still. There are just some things everyone should keep hidden...
It's like some say about relationships: "don't ever get too comfortable". I personally am one of those people who do not want to take a shit while my partner is brushing his teeth.
And this product is just idiotic. It's a thing you stuck in your you-know-where. It's not fun, it's not glamour, it's just something to get you through the worst of the month.

Cherry IScream

Truly there is no limit to the depths they will sink to in order to charge more for basic necessities...
(Also, am I correct in guessing that your favourite web comedian is Nash from WTFIWWY/Radio Dead Air?)


oh please, blame the marketing team, not the designer! poor designer probably thought the same as you, and we (I'll graduate this year with an industrial design/packaging master) too get some pretty stupid clients!
The brand I use does something quite clever every 6 month or so, they offer a metal box with their pack of pads, there's a 'nice' illustration on it, it can fit two pads, and it's shaped like one of those small cigarillos cases, no one suspects a thing.


I would buy this for a Twilight obsessed friend for the lolz.


now tampons also come with motivational sayings on the wrapper. like "way to go!" and "victory!" yes, tampon, i suppose it is a victory im not pregnant.... thanks?


Personally I would say these are going to be more embarrassing than normal tampons.
If you have a normal tampon in your bag, well, that's normal.
If you have a punk glam tampon people are more likely to ask what it is or ask why you have it over a normal tampon. So it actually increases the likelihood of embarrassing conversations!

~Bookstore Slave

@Cherry IScream Hehe, yes. Nash, Nostalgia Critic and Linkara = Awesome. 8D

many bells down

"The whole U by Kotex line is overpriced and colorful to attract teens in my opinion."
So much this. My daughter is 14, and those are the ones she wants me to buy. It's all packaging, and she falls for it. Once it's out of the wrapper it's just the same damn thing as mine.

Red Rider

I hate the Playtex Sport tampons with motivational quotes on them. The last thing I want when I'm doubled over puking my guts out from severe cramps is my tampon telling me to "Get up and get active!"
I could understand these things being colorful to attract teens, but the glitter is a bit much in my opinion.


Is it just me or was that a WTFIWWY reference? That is all kinds of awesome if it is.
And holy hell, that sounds like an infection and multiple lawsuits waiting to happen. Glitter? Really? Because glitter makes blood soaked pieces of cotton so much more fashionable. Poor designer who got this assignment and must have bashed their head against a wall multiple times in order to get it done.
I don't understand the embarrassment of pads and tampons. It's something a majority of women get and have gotten since forever. If other people get grossed out at the idea of it then they need to grow up and stop acting like someone is throwing the blood soaked missiles at them. While its good they are trying to make periods less of a shameful idea, making it glam punk was not the best option. And again, glitter? Damn stupid idea.

NC Tony

Yes, fellow That Guy With The Glasses fans!


I... I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Glitter!? Are you fucking kidding me!? To put *there*!?


So just to be clear I have these in my bathroom. Why? Because they were the cheaper one and also the most comfortable for lack of a better way to describe this... The BOX hasreflective card board on it... Not glitter. And if you've ever seen a u by kotax tampon in a regular pack they come in multiple colors (green blue pink yellow) the only thing different about this box is inside they are only pink and black. No glitter.... Idk where this person got glitter from. Yeah its a marketing technicique to young girls but they are small and compact and not as long as my hand and easier to carry. So get your fact straight.

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