January 06, 2012
From Dark Lord of Marketing:
Heya Heya again RHUers!!!
So now that my current position has clamed the hell down, I figured I’d share a little Holiday Tale from the past that came up in conversation with some friends the other night! This is from the wayback, before I was the Dark Lord of Marketing and simply your Friendly Neighborhood Photo Bitch. In fact, it was from so wayback, it was *before* readily available digital cameras. (Dear God I feel old now…)
So back in the film days, there was one thing you could count on. Pictures were always in order, even though there were a lot of places I worked that would encourage me to rearrange the photos in the customer envelope to “put the best print forward”. But I digress from the point, a roll of film was guaranteed to be chronological from one end to the other despite any time gaps that may occur in the center.
So one dreary post-Christmas day I was running the printer and semi-zoning cause it was all shot after shot of kids opening presents. Over and over, nothing but small children opening presents.
So the usual roll starts through the machine, and I see a little boy and girl in pajamas, approximately 4 and 6 or so, smiling in front of the tree. Then the little boy opening a present, then a picture of him holding up his unwrapped treasure, than another one of the girl opening something, one of her holding it up, back to the boy’s next present, goofy shot of the cat playing in wrapping paper, little boy’s look of joy at his opened present, little girl opening another present, mommy taking a good long lick on daddy’s peppermint stick, little boy opening a third presen…*screeching halt*…
Waitaminute. Frame reverse, sure enough, that was indeed a picture of the gift that keeps on giving. Not a big shocker in and of itself (and not a bad specimen either, WTG mommy), but what really surprised me was that the next few photos after that were right back to present opening with the kids still in their PJs and it not looking like a whole lot of time had elapsed since the last photo of a child opening present.
From everything I was able to gather, during the rampant rush of present-opening on Christmas morning, mommy and daddy (hopefully) slipped upstairs or at least into another room and had themselves a quick little moment of unwrapping fun and then went right back to the little ones!
And ya know what, I say BRAVO! (unless of course there wasn’t actually any ‘leaving of the room’ involved, then I’m more than a little worried about those kid’s therapy bills…)
So, here’s hoping that all of you had just as fabulous of a Holiday Season, from the icy-cold bottom of my twisted, black little heart!
--The Dark Lord of Marketing
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