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RHU: Thank You Letters

November 23, 2011


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What the hell? Who does that? Does he not understand how gravity works? And double what the hell to your manager who seriously endangered your well being. Were you gonna have to bleed from your eyes and ears for him to realize something was wrong? I am just glad your co-workers stood up for you so you could get medical help. Is there someone you can complain to, because that is fucked up. Your health trumps serving crustys.
Bitch Boy
For some stupid reason, many managers believe that employee labor is disposable.

I'm sorry, when did we start looking like China?
teaching copy slave
umm... you should be talking to your local OHSA board or something about that manager's response... seriously
crankie cashier
The letter has been written to the district manager as well as the hr rep. It just has to be sent.
Thanks for the anger :D
NC Tony
@ Bitch Boy: Those are the managers that you love to see get fired. I guess they forget that they're employees too, meaning that their own logic applies to them as well.
Dude, you can leave! Nothing's keeping you at work. They can take your spirit, but they can never take your free will! If they tried to fire you for leaving to go to the ER, bring up OSHA or threaten a lawsuit or something.
You can effectively have a complete home office melt down.
This is a lawsuit.
no company wants a lawsuit when they are at fault.
crankie cashier
I was too out of it to drive or help for myself. People are still calling me a zombie because of the way i was sitting there and staring.
They should've called an ambulance if you were in that state.
Lawsuit city, right there.
2020k - RJ
I hope something comes out of that letter you sent to HR. It broke my heart to read that.
What is it with entitled managers, anyway? When I worked as a waitress once, one of our cooks cut the tip of his thumb off and was bleeding everywhere. The manager insisted the cook put a bandage on it and keep cooking. One of the other waitresses was his girlfriend and she finally yelled at the manager and took her boyfriend to emergency. Ya gotta wonder sometimes!
Oh honey...may today be filled with delicious pies and stuffing for you. And may the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of your manager, and may his arms be too short to scratch.
Your manager is a complete idiot, and deserves to lose his job for endangering your life like that.

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