Monday, January 16, 2012

RHU: Dumbass Blonde Shopper

November 16, 2011


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Bitch Boy
They will toss you out of the malls near me if you try that. They have rules about it because so many children ended up being hurt doing stupid stunts like that.
Chicken Flinger
Look at it this way... it's a giant, free StairMaster. Complete with awkward looks and people gawking at you for various reasons.
I hope this poor creature isn't really that stupid and she was dared by the people filming or something. I can hope for humanity to actually have a kernal of intelligence... right?
I've seen this, and it looks more like a woman getting in exercise then someone confused. It seems like a good idea to me. She probably bought a sweet coffee or strange Starbucks drink in that cup and is working to burn off the extra calories.
Hellbound Alleee
Nobody whose trying to get exercise wears an outfit like that.
Bitch Boy
Nor that high a heel...
She probably did it for what she thought would be shits and giggles.
I will tell you exactly what's happening here...she was higher than FUCK and thought she was walking up a regular (stationary) stair case.
Green Grin
I've always wanted to go up a down escalator, for shits and giggles. However, I'm not stupid enough to actually do it. I'd probably piss off a lot of people before I tripped and cracked my skull open.
I don't buy the exercise/starimaster idea. If that were the case, she would most likely keep pace with it and stay pretty much in the same area. Especially with the way she tries to speed up towards the top by taking several steps at once.
Ladies and gentlefurs, the Mushroom Samba.
well,that brightened my morning a
Delusional Convenience Store Clerk
I, Delusional Convenience Store Clerk, have actually run up a down escalator. It was a great deal of fun.

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