welll…it could be worse, but the execution could have been better brought about.
cut off shoulder…yeah fail
the photog apparently has photoshop; why not look up some free airbrushing tutorials on Deviantart to clean up the skin a bit?
The effect is nice, but not really for a photograph…i can’t picture anyone wanting to frame this and put it in their office or in their home. Save for some novelty like a birthday party invite or something trivial.
Well, I guess you COULD post it at youarenotagraphicdesigner, but there’s jack squat showing on the site, so probably best that you posted it on this one.
It looks like the opening card of a child abuse PSA. A terrible thought just occured to me. This isn’t something done to tell people about a kid with some sort of life dreadful illness, is it? All it lacks is a “Help us find a donor for little Hensley Faith” If it is, I will personally voluteer to make them something much better.
the photog apparently has photoshop; why not look up some free airbrushing tutorials on Deviantart to clean up the skin a bit?