January 15, 2012
Hey RHU It’s been a while, Hotel Maverick here again, no longer a front desk agent, now a security admin, and let me tell you that’s not a step in the right direction.
You see, before I could deal with 90% of the dumbassery that came before simply because it was face to face. Now that I have moved to the Admin position, I have to deal with dumbasses over the phone.
You see I don’t really do anything with security, I deal with idiots who can’t figure out the VERY simple parking machines at my hotel. Simple Procedure, White ticket in the machine with the black strip up and right, if you have a chaser ticket, chaser goes in the same way, then the credit card; yup you guessed it, same way! Its not rocket science people; you don’t need Adam and Jamie here to help you!
Case in point, I can’t tell you the number of times I have had to tell someone how to put the ticket in. There is both written instructions and a visual aid PRINTED ON THE DAMNED MACHINE! If you are too much of a frakin herp to read it and look at the picture, then you should not even be behind the wheel of a car. The technology isn’t hard, its just you’re too much of a damned simpleton to take 5 seconds out of your day and read the instructions!
I write in this bitter vitriol because this seems to happen 5 times a day. I also get a number of Duuuuuhhhh my validation isn’t working, (Now to toss this out there, they are usually good for 4 hours, so say you come in at 3, you have until 7 to leave, you leave after 7 no deal, full price). When I explain that, I get a sea of dumbfounded faces and then the swearing starts. Well I was never told(it says it right on your ticket), You’re just trying to rip me off!(no actually if I could hang up on your dumb ass I would), You’re a F’in F’in F’er!(Yup I know, Piss off and die sir).
Its not all bad…. Wait yes it is! I have never told you guys of my co workers. So we hire this brain case, and the other day she looks at me, and I swear to god, this is the exact phrase she said to me:
“Yeah I was watching this special on National Geographic, and there were these people who lived in Alaska and ate raw fish, I think they were Asian…..”
Cue me having 15 aneurisms in a row, and when the blood stopped dripping out of my ear I turned and looked at her and Simply said "Look up the Word Eskimo for me, will ya.” (I know the proper work is Inuit, but she didn’t even know what an Eskimo was, I wasn’t going that deep into it.) I won’t even get into the one that thinks Iraq is in Africa.
So that’s my hell RHU, how’s yours?
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Well, you know, Mav, what Sarte said?
"Hell is other people."
Posted by: Joi Cardinal | January 15, 2012 at 03:23 AM