Musings, Memories and Miscellany from our MoM’s
James L. (JimiJam) was named our Member of the Month in August 2011.
How long have you been a PBS member? It’s been a little over 4 1/2 years now, though it honestly feels as if it’s been much longer than that. I can’t fathom how I got on before joining the Swap.
How did you find PBS? My partner at the time had been a member for a few weeks, and kept pestering me to join as well. I remember being severely skeptical for quite a while. I guess I thought it unlikely that I’d find good titles in acceptable condition; my only experiences with used books up to that point had left quite a bit to be desired. When persistence failed to convince me, she resorted to more devious measures: she requested a book she knew I couldn’t resist. I wish I could recall what that book’s title was. As I think back, there’s a blur between my skepticism and filling in my information, reading through the Help Center, and placing the first requests on my own account.
How has PBS impacted your life? What does PBS mean to you? The effects of my new life as a Swapper were almost immediate. I had always been a reader, and had been through more titles than ever during the first 5 months of that year. In retrospect, I liken that pace to a snail’s when compared to the Atlas V rocket of Swap life. I suddenly found myself within easy reach of hundreds of titles from every category along the spectrum of my preferences. It wasn’t long before I reached that point of realizing that every day is like Christmas when you’re a Swapper. I learned to use bibliographies in the first of my Swap books to discover even more titles, branching off into new topics and genres. To me the Swap was, and continues to be, a nigh-inexhaustible source of knowledge, insight, and entertainment. I found vintage copies of favorite books; out of print books now invaluable to my c.v.; titles of which I had heard but had never yet encountered in person; titles of which I had never heard, and now value above most others. What’s more, I discovered that there’s more to the Swap than books; the friends I’ve made in my time here have been the most sincerely and undeniably wonderful people I’ve ever known. Much as I’d be lost without the Swap, I’d be doubly lost without those friends. All in all, the very course of my life life itself was arrested and redirected toward an ever-increasingly excellent state of existence.
What book impacted you most as a child or young adult? I have been most fortunate as a reader, in that I’ve discovered dozens of titles that have been essential to
What is your favorite or most meaningful book read as an adult? Aside from Dune, the book that likely had the biggest impact on my life as an adult would probably be Erich Fromm’s Escape from Freedom. It helped me to better understand so much about myself and the world in which we live, and did
What are you reading now? I usually keep a dozen or more books going at a time, but chiefest among these at present are: Becoming a Writer, by Dorothea Brande; Beneath the Wheel, by Hermann Hesse; Gulliver’s Travels, by Jonathan Swift; Civilization and its Discontents, by Sigmund Freud; and The Transformations of Man, by Lewis Mumford.
4 Responses to “Musings, Memories and Miscellany from our MoM’s”
- Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
- I’m reading Dune series now! I started years ago, and left off on Children of Dune, and stalled there. This time around I’ve added in Brian Herbert’s books as well, and am thoroughly enjoying the series. (It seems many “purists” don’t like the prequels but I’m really liking the additional insights I’ve gotten from reading the additional books.)I’m going to check out some of the other books you mention, as many of them I haven’t yet read!
- Jimi is definitely a wonderful member and Tour Guide!! Awesome musings!!
- Jimi, you are awesome Tour Guide and member. I always enjoy your blog articles.Amazing how many of these books I've read!Now I have to try my hand at writing for this blog.Joi Cardinal{deadheadz}