From Drugstore Diva:
Last night must have been shopping day for the idiot asylum. I swear all the dumb people were at my store.
One custy wanted to return a Scarlet Crustacean gift card.
First off, she was in Hellgreens, and gift cards are not returnable anywhere. I told her to find a friend who likes seafood and sell it to them.
* * *
One custy came up with two carts full of various store merchandise.
I start ringing her out while calling for back up, and by the third item, she says "Wait, isn't everything 50% off".
I tell her that just Christmas was half price, not including Hallmark (because they give us full credit on unsold merchandise).
She then decides she didn't want any of it and left her two carts in the checkout line.
* * *
Woman comes in with her two teenage grand daughters.
The woman and one girl were no problem. The second one hands me some candy and a $25 Visa gift card, still in the cardboard wrapper they're sold in so I scan and activate the gift card. She seems surprised when the amount ends up over $30 so I mention the gift card.
She looks at me like I sprouted three heads and said "I was paying with that".
So I told her that she needs to take the card out of the wrapping to use it, the stripe on the wrapper is just for activation and won't work to make a purchase, and they're not handed to the clerk, they're run on the EFTPOS.
The girl looked very confused so grandma paid for her candy and as they were leaving the line the girl gets snotty saying that she'll shop at WalMart where they're smart and know what to do with gift cards.
I heard Grandma tell her "It's not her fault you don't know how to use a gift card."
(Go Grandma!)
* * * *
There was also the crusty who threw a fit because her baby formula was recalled and now what was she going to feed her baby (maybe another brand...or get infant rather than newborn, there really is no difference).
Later on, I had several people, last minute of course with WIC checks and every one had the wrong items.
Last one, the woman who at 9:59pm says "Oh, I left my wallet at home, can I go get it and come back?"
Nope, because we're closing at 10:00 and you won't make it back in time.
--Drugstore Diva
I recently discovered this website via the shit stories, I was looking for tales of daring poo out of boredom. I decided to share a true story from my past.
You can call me Steve G, I am not a hard core gamer, I do not rush out and purchase the latest console, I have only pre-ordered one game in my life. And I purchase mostly used games and systems.
Now this story will require a space time rewind to, about 2003.
I bought a brand new Sorny Polystation 1 From Brick Mart, I was young and I had 50 bucks from Christmas so I bought a older system due to never having one.
Here comes the problem, I bought all the games for it used from a newly opened game store near me in New Jersey, lets call it…. Caveat Emptor Games, or C.E. Games for short.
I purchased a 4 disc game from them for the PS1, and I beat the first 3 discs, and when I got to the 4th disc, no go… all. It was so badly damaged the system could not read it. This normaly would not be a problem since we all inspect used games when we purchase them, but at the time all used games had a orange circular sticker on the jewel case to prevent opening in the store, and unless you keep that sticker on, no returns…once the sticker is off, you cannot return that game, oh and at the time it was 15 days to return it, so even if the store would accept my return, it was too late due to it being more than 15 days later, due to me not being able to blast through it in less than 15 days, took a month or so of pecking away at it.
Return Hell/Credit Card Hell: Military Store Edition
I used to be in the military, and I shopped at the BX rarely, overpriced store with no selection but I did shop a few things in there. A few complaints about how the stores are operated
1: To make a return, use a check, etc you need your social security number on the check.
2: If you bounce a check, they look up your # and block you from using your store credit card and returning any item
3: If you miss a payment your commander/first sgt (higher up people than you) are notified and will come down upon you, despite them claiming no late fees…they will make you pay some how, even if it requires you to take home 5 bucks instead of 500.
4: Open box items are not discounted unless they were plugged in, I bought a Blu Ray player that was open box, and at any other store ( Pears,Brick Mark, J-mart,etc) would be given a 5-10% discount….but not there due to it not being plugged in.
5: Even with the no sales tax rule, it was not cheaper than shopping off base.
Hopefully these stories will help you inform people about how some stores operate.
--Steve G
Hi, its Bakery Slave and I totally cried at work yesterday...
Happy tears!
There's a fire station down the street from us and let me tell you how much I love those guys, there always polite and nice and I know by now whenever they come in it's for supplies for the station or a cake for someone's birthday.
Well, they were in the bakery chipping in for someone's birthday cake and a another customer in line offered to pay for them!
"As a thank you, Happy Holidays guys."
Handshakes and bro-hugs all around!
Oh, and one weepy bakery slave...its nice to see that kind of thing you know?
My faith in humanity is slightly restored :)
--Bakery Slave
January 06, 2012
Give her the Mirrorball trophy!!!
From Dark Lord of Marketing:
Heya Heya again RHUers!!!
So now that my current position has clamed the hell down, I figured I’d share a little Holiday Tale from the past that came up in conversation with some friends the other night! This is from the wayback, before I was the Dark Lord of Marketing and simply your Friendly Neighborhood Photo Bitch. In fact, it was from so wayback, it was *before* readily available digital cameras. (Dear God I feel old now…)
So back in the film days, there was one thing you could count on. Pictures were always in order, even though there were a lot of places I worked that would encourage me to rearrange the photos in the customer envelope to “put the best print forward”. But I digress from the point, a roll of film was guaranteed to be chronological from one end to the other despite any time gaps that may occur in the center.
So one dreary post-Christmas day I was running the printer and semi-zoning cause it was all shot after shot of kids opening presents. Over and over, nothing but small children opening presents.
So the usual roll starts through the machine, and I see a little boy and girl in pajamas, approximately 4 and 6 or so, smiling in front of the tree. Then the little boy opening a present, then a picture of him holding up his unwrapped treasure, than another one of the girl opening something, one of her holding it up, back to the boy’s next present, goofy shot of the cat playing in wrapping paper, little boy’s look of joy at his opened present, little girl opening another present, mommy taking a good long lick on daddy’s peppermint stick, little boy opening a third presen…*screeching halt*…
Waitaminute. Frame reverse, sure enough, that was indeed a picture of the gift that keeps on giving. Not a big shocker in and of itself (and not a bad specimen either, WTG mommy), but what really surprised me was that the next few photos after that were right back to present opening with the kids still in their PJs and it not looking like a whole lot of time had elapsed since the last photo of a child opening present.
From everything I was able to gather, during the rampant rush of present-opening on Christmas morning, mommy and daddy (hopefully) slipped upstairs or at least into another room and had themselves a quick little moment of unwrapping fun and then went right back to the little ones!
And ya know what, I say BRAVO! (unless of course there wasn’t actually any ‘leaving of the room’ involved, then I’m more than a little worried about those kid’s therapy bills…)
So, here’s hoping that all of you had just as fabulous of a Holiday Season, from the icy-cold bottom of my twisted, black little heart!
--The Dark Lord of Marketing
January 05, 2012
From Mouse Mastered: I love the guy that says "I know who YOUR superior is, so let me have his number." Uhm. If you know who he is, why does the manager need to give you his number? They're all just trying to lie their way into the store, and props to the ASM for standing his ground. Sadly, he probably no longer has a job.
I hate people. Especially those of the stupid variety.
I was stuck in the gas station today (I hate the smell of that crap food we serve) so this day was already on the slippery slope to ‘shit’ from the outset.
It wasn’t THAT bad, in all. Until 9:30 rolled around. I was checking the coffee machine, when I hear the rhythmic ‘Clink-Clink-Clink-Clink’ of the change machine giving out quarters. As I went back up to the front to let Pete (Pete is a woman, I don’t know why on earth Foofy started calling her that, but it stuck and she doesn’t have a problem with being called that) go to break, this guy storms over, saying the machine ate a $20 bill, and we needed to open it up and get it out.
This is when we got to the bottom of the slippery slope.
Terah: That machine isn’t ours, it belongs to a guy out of state. He comes in once a month and should be in to check in a few days. Lemme have your contact information so we can give it to him.
Guy: There isn’t a number on the machine for me to call. It’s in your store, it’s your responsibility!
Terah: I’m not allowed NEAR that machine, sir. All I can do is take your contact information. He will be down in a couple of days, and he’s a cool guy, he’ll get it out for you with no problem.
Guy: It is in YOUR STORE. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get it out for me!
I went and got Shift Leader 1, because I was scared to open my mouth again to him, because I was going to say something to get me fired, I knew it. Shift Leader 1 tells him EXACTLY WHAT I DID, almost the same wording, so obviously this guy said ‘Oh, okay. Here’s my name and number, and I’ll check back in a couple of days’, right?
He called the cops on us.
And, luckily, was told they couldn’t do anything on our property, they would have to call our Tribal Police. So he did. We have 3 kinds of security guards. The Bananas (they wear yellow), the Rent-a-Cops (they find this name hilarious) and the Suits. 2 Suits came down and began talking to this guy.
I was stuck up front and refused to open my mouth to this guy and got the story from one of the Suits. He had put in $40 in the machine and it had only given him $20 worth of quarters. So, naturally, he was mad.
I can understand that. It’s frustrating, the number to call isn’t on the machine, we don’t know where to find it, and because we don’t own the machine, we are NOT allowed to open it up. That’s cool, getting angry over that is understandable.
But when you start screaming at me that it’s my responsibility, after I’m telling you the only thing I know to do and you refuse to listen to me, you enter my little mental ‘StupidAss Fucker’ list. And to make things worse, the suits were doing everything but telling this guy ‘Keep screaming at her, maybe she’ll cave in’.
Luckily, the shift leader for the night crew came in and had the guy’s number. After one more round of the ‘responsibility’ lecture, he left.
I couldn’t speak to him, because I was terrified I would scream ‘So, if I break into your house, murder someone and write in their blood that Iwas the killer, it would be YOUR responsibility because it was in YOUR house?!’
And I’m wanting to know why the FUCKING FUCKITY FUCK would anyone need $40 in fucking QUARTERS!
January 04, 2012
It’s just a paper bag, people! If you see a two-hundred-dollar paper bag in your future, go here. On the other hand, as our WOW manifesto states, the wrapping’s the thing. The seller – the aptly named Winningduh – also has 12 inches of Chanel ribbon going for $10.
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