I Think the Fauxtog is Blind
I don't get it! What's so terrible about this picture?
It looks like an adorable image of a mom and her children playing Pooh Sticks.
dm on said
"Ok, I think the photographer was trying to just colorize that one opening in the fence plus the little girl’s arm extending out. I’m not sure *why* one would attempt this, but I think that’s what s/he was going for here."
dm, congratulations on using "s/he" as a non-sexist pronoun.
Nikki Hickey on said:
Its a square of color cuz you looking into the future from the past LOL yes totally works omg how awesome id pay big for this shat of a color spot job ffs really just go b/w and make it a good b/w at the very least and maybe idk level the ground
Nikki: You need to spell real words! Chatspeak may be ok when you're texting someone, but idk that it works irl writing. Not sure whether "shat" was a typo.
Idiots and their photo editing fails
1) the owners would only post photos from photographers that submitted their own work
2) that the purpose while to poke fun at and show off bad “fauxtography” was to help us all get a little bit better in our craft. Whether it was things to avoid, tips to make the photos (and ourselves) better or what ever.
3) a secondary purpose was to show clients or potential clients what to look for and what not to look for.