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December 09, 2011


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Oh my God :D
If it wasn't done on purpose, I'm really curious to know why the hell would anyone think of using a water hazard water as something you'd drink?


I actually.. didn't get it. I mean, what did the guy do in this story to warrant that. Is that dye even safe to drink? I guess I'm just missing the dickishness from the guy that sort of justifies this. Without it... it kinda seems cruel.


Well... Ball Shagger said that this story was more of an icebreaker and probably that's why it's short and not detailed. It is mentioned that the guy was an asshole, mayhaps Shagger will tell us more in the future.


Possibly giving someone dysentery or Lyme's disease is just hilarious.


I don't agree that this deserves Retail Balls Award.
No matter how much of an asshole Steve was, giving someone non-potable water to drink is not right.
This is a lot like BBs story about the giving regular instead of decaf, and, while I don't agree with that on principle, it was most likely harmless. This, however, is borderline poisoning. The microorganisms could possibly cause serious illness depending on what was in the water which you have no way of knowing, and there's the chemicals to consider too. Since you don't know exactly what they are you have no idea how they'd affect someone who drank them!

I must agree with Chicajobobe!


Oh my God. Lighten up, people! He didn't chug the whole thing down, he took a swig and spit it out, obviously he realized it wasn't Fiji or Evian water. I sincerely doubt he ingested enough to do any real damage. I am more of a lurker on this sight, but I happen to own a small retail store and I would love to be able to dish out my own brand of justice on the asshats that frequent my establishment. Phil saw an opportunity and seized it. He helped tip the karmic scales of justice for retail workers, if even for a few moments. I don't remember reading that Steve died, so, hardy-har-har, the joke was on him. Nice one, Phil, and thanks for sharing, Ball Shagger.


Phoenix, I bet you're one to spit in food too, huh?


I'm with Chicajojobe too. Also the lead in of this guy was a jerk, so he deserved it, with no evidence to show how he was a jerk. Though I can't imagine anything he could have done to deserve that, there is nothing to note him actually being said jerk. Nothing about the guy at all except "he asked for his water to be refilled. With the long descriptions on the water situations, surely there was space to actually explain WHY this guy was suposedly a jerk.


I have to agree with most of the above. Without any details as to WHY this guy deserved having what could be potentially poisonous water given to him, this is completely uncalled for. If you gave more details, we'd probably see why he deserved this, but for now, I say Phil was the jerk not Steve.

Ball Shagger

Hey guys. Thanks for reading and the comments. I guess a little controversy/mixed opinions is never a bad thing.
A few points:
1) I should've mentioned in the little story, that "Steve" was condescending to all staff and fellow members. I could relay specific incidents, but this is not the time. Maybe later =)
2) He didn't actually SWALLOW the water. He spit it out immediately.
3) "Phil"'s motives seem to be unclear even do this day. He was 14 at the time (over a decade has passed since then.) He could've done it maliciously, or he may have thought that returning with SOMETHING was better than returning empty-handed. A few things I learned from there are not to make excuses and always get things done. He was young and naive. I'm pretty sure he wasn't doing it out of malice and just wanted to get the water that was requested of him. It's just a nice coincidence that the guy was a jerk and he got a nice little taste of karma inadvertently.
Like I said,
Thanks for reading guys. I can post some more stories from here (with lots of detail :D) or some stuff from my current retail job. I said in the intro that there isn't much going on, but that was a few weeks ago. There are some things that have popped up since then, so there's that material to draw from.
Have a great day, folks.


It does not matter if he swallowed the water or spit it out. Anyone with a basic education in biology can tell you that a mere sip still leaves one's mouth lined with bacteria. What the child did was stupid, cruel, and dangerous. Hopefully he developed some brains later on in life before he repeated his actions.


I was willing to believe from the very beginning that Steve was a complete douchebag! That isn't the issue.
I feel that what Phil did was wrong.
The fact that he spat out the water doesn't change anything either.
This isn't karmic retribution. It isn't even an eye for an eye situation since Steve didn't trick Phil into taking a sip of water than isn't supposed to be drank.
And since I'm being honest, I don't think this was that ballsy! Quite the opposite, it was a cowardly petty revenge that could have easily gotten Phil arrested if he had been less lucky and it turned out dye was poisonous.


I feel that was a little too far. I mean, if we had a little back story on this guy, MAYBE I could SORT OF defend these actions, but intentionally giving someone nasty ass water? No. I mean, i've put excessive amounts of jalapeno juice on someone's hashbrowns for being an asshole (hey, they did SCREAM extra jalapenos on the phone), but intentionally giving someone possible death water? Uh uh.


Just yours, Paul.


Hey phoenix you should let me serve you food. Some crotch rubbings, some pea in the soda and wipe my ass with the buger. Hey you won't die from it, so HAR, HAR, HAR!

Music Girl

I agree with pretty much everyone else.
Okay, so the guy didn't swallow it, didn't die - but the point is there was NO way of knowing what the hell was in that water. That's not something you want to use an example of good behavior, whether the guy was a dick or not.
Possibly poisoning someone to death is (almost) never justifiable.
grateful mom
Maybe this will put things into perspective:
"What's lurking: West Nile virus
The water hazard at your golf course is also a West Nile hazard; it's where mosquitoes that carry the virus buzz around and breed. And while West Nile fever typically affects older, immune-compromised individuals, a newly identified condition called West Nile poliomyelitis can hit healthy adults in their 30s and 40s.
"It's a very serious neuroinvasive disease that attacks the cells in the spinal cord that are responsible for motor strength and activity," says Taylor Harrison, M.D., a professor of neurology at Emory University. "Some people regain movement of their limbs; others don't recover as well."
How to beat it: Simple: Steer clear of the drink. Also, "if the course is wet, it's a good idea to stay off the golf-cart path," says Gilbert Waldbauer, Ph.D., a professor emeritus of entomology at the University of Illinois and the author of A Walk around the Pond: Insects in and over the Water. "The puddles that form in the tracks are filled with stagnant water where larvae develop."
He also suggests a midmorning tee time: "They're out in full force at dusk and dawn." To further shield yourself from skeeters, wear Buzz Off pants and shirts, apparel that's been treated with an EPA-approved insect repellent called permethrin."

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