January 16, 2012
I have no job yet (mostly because around here, everybody wants you to have work experience but will not hire you to GIVE you the work experience). I stumbled onto your site through a friend and have come to respect the people who provide services that I once took for granted. I thought I'd share a horrible fellow-custy story.
I was shopping with my mother at our local HellMart today. Pretty standard shopping trip, until the time came to wait in the checkout lane. There, we both became witnesses to one of the most horrific spectacles of modern parenting that either of us have ever seen.
A woman and her obese 8-year-old daughter (heretofore referred to as WhaleMom and Grabby) pulled into the checkout lane on the right of us. Grabby started digging in the cart of the couple waiting in front of them (who they seemed to know, based on their conversation, but still), slamming down on the tops of the tabloid mags in their holders, THROWING HERSELF INTO PEOPLE AND CARTS and singing a song made entirely of random gibberish at the top of her lungs to the entire store.
WhaleMom's response: "Grabby, don't do that. Come back over here." in a tone of voice that suggested she was answering a telephone survey.
Non-surprisingly, Grabby instead ran 5 checkout aisles to the left of us and disappeared from view. However, we could all still hear her "adorable" singing voice.
WhaleMom's response: "Grabby, you silly-billy, come back."
5 minutes of singing and horrid slamming noises later, WhaleMom's response changed to asking the couple in front of her, "Can you watch my cart-OH! Never mind, I see her."
Apparently, "I see her" can now mean "the top of her head is now showing over the aisle wall because she's climbing the candy and tabloid racks."
A few minutes later, Grabby came dancing out with the ONE tabloid printed on super-thin shreddable newsprint in her hand and proceeded to smack everything she passed with it, including carts, tables of merch, people, and racks of candy.
When WhaleMom finally got Grabby to stay at their cart, she actually PRAISED HER for "coming back when she called", put the shredded tabloid back into the tabloid rack, then let her hellspawn kick the couple in front of them's cart until they left.
WHAT THE FUCK PARENT?! Your child is destroying merch and making it hell for all of us other customers, so you continue to let her slam things, try to climb the checkout racks of stuff, and generally be a horrid little monster?! AND YOU GIGGLE ABOUT HOW "SILLY" SHE'S BEING??
Now, I'm only 17, so I don't have as much life experiencewhen parents lose full control of their kids and end up as convicted felon as most of you. My parents raised me to respect property that isn't mine, people who are not me, and the people who work for a living (since I would someday join them).
On behalf of the horrible custys, I am SO sorry.
--Compassionate Custy
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