January 04, 2012
Yes, so soon.
Well my health issues are really starting to take a toll on me. In fact for the first time ever, I passed out right in front of the Adventureland bridge during the parade. I woke up to a coworker trying to get me to wake up and sit up. I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. Apparently I was dehydrated, had low blood sugar, and a 101 fever which I didn't know about. I was taken away by the paramedics and was in the hospital. My bag was left in the tunnel with my cell phone and other belongings. I asked the manager to contact my father who was also working that night.
I get to the hospital, they give me an IV and Tylenol. Four hours later I am cleared to go home but my father still is not there. They never contacted him. It took me another two hours to get a hold of him because my bag was still in the tunnel and I couldn't remember his number.
I am home now and I am still struggling with fevers, throwing up, and abdominal pain. My father thinks I am faking this whole thing even though he is not home to see everything. My mother and boyfriend know the truth since they have seen me cry because of the pain and not want to get out of bed because I am dizzy and cannot keep food down. I don't know how to handle this. Every time I try to talk to my dad about it, he gets angry with me. I can't afford to move out right now and my mother is very sick.
What do I do RHU? I am starting to shut down and get really depressed. I am at my wit's end.
This is me now.
What does it take to get someone to take care of the OP?
RedHead sounds both physically sick and emotionally depleted. I'm thinking maybe she should post her location and someone familiar with her area should get her some help.
I'll do it if she wants me to, but I don't want to step on any toes.
I do hope this works out and someone posts a new status update.
All the best,
grateful mum
{joi cardinal}
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