Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Baby, it's Cold out There

19 thoughts on “She’s Got to Be Freezing”

  1. Has this been taken in front of a green screen? I mean, look at the skin tone right next to the background image (left/upper part of her belly, under her arm). The area that’s supposed to look as if she’s sitting on snow is badly done as well.
  2. no, she’s sitting in a nice warm studio – on fake snow in front of either a green / chromo screen or a mountain backdrop.
    Composition is not the greatest, nor is the selection of backdrops – but hey – maybe that’s what she wanted. Although I would have moved the scarf.
  3. What on earth is the…point…of this? Is this the latest trend among hipsters? A bad photo of yourself against a snowy mountain backdrop? Is it…ironic? Or what? I don’t get it.
  4. She has obviously been placed using Photoshop. I would have to agree that this background image was probably ripped off. At least I can tell they used a path for cutting her out but the blending on the edges is terrible and lighting on her doesn’t even match the scene. Anyways, why try to make this look good? I agree that the setup is just awkward.
    • Yah, it’s obviously faux. However, sometimes you place a subject in a location photo and use soft studio lighting in just this manner, holding the background nback by a stop or so. It’s called “overlighting.” This is just pitiful, but if the fauxtographer and the subject are happy, then I am, too. Plus, my Ultram is starting to kick in, so I’m feeling charitable.
      Joi says this will most assuredly not end well.

      Look at that MTB! Bare bump naked.  Who is she waiting for?
      Godot Does the Alps?
      Or the abominable snowman?
      But as a mom, I'm most appalled at her pulled up shirt. Look at the client's face! She's nearing frostbite, but there she is with her bare lump! Proves it's been edited: Otherwise there would be goosebumps!
      {Yeah I know it was done in a studio! Lack of attention to detail!}

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